Søuld Acoustic Panels

Søuld’s products are made from eelgrass collected in Denmark. The products offer endless possibilities for improving acoustics, as they are suitable for ceilings, walls, design solutions and bespoke projects. Regardless of which product is suitable for you, it is circular and recyclable.  

Building Materials


Søuld acoustic panels represent new and modern building materials. It has the qualities needed for comfortable, natural and circular renovations, new-built and interior design projects. Your project defines if the Acoustic Mats or the Acoustic Boards are the suitable solution.


Søuld provides finished design solutions that is both aesthetic and offer a high acoustic performance. Søuld offer various design solutions that are ready to install, for small private projects or large scale B2B projects. 

Choose the right product

Søuld products are designed to meet diverse needs and purposes. We offer Building Materials for ceilings and walls, as well as Design Solutions for easy mounting.


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